Le réveil des vignes au printemps

The awakening of the vines in spring

The winter period when the vine fell asleep delicately gives way to the awakening of the vineyard. Since March 20, spring has arrived. The climate is milder in the Montagne de Reims, we then witness the growth of buds and enjoy more rays of sunshine in our landscapes. The fields and forests are colored again to launch a new cycle of shades of green in Nature.

But what happens in the vineyards in spring?

Maison Canard-Duchêne invites you to take you to the heart of the vineyards of the Champagne hillsides and reveals the secrets of its activities from March to June!

Taking care of the soil

After the winter dormancy when the sap has taken refuge in the roots to protect itself from the cold, the latter rises in the aerial parts. The phenomenon is visible at the level of the pruning wounds from where the sap escapes in the form of small drops. It is said that "the vine cries".

It's Nature's signal: it's time to get busy in the vineyards again! Then it's time for the winemaker's various missions in connection with the Champagne land:

Weeding consists of removing unwanted greenery that competes with the vine plants. Several techniques are then possible:

- Mechanical weeding: this is carried out using tools such as plows or hoes, as for our organic plot P181.

- Weeding by animals: a 100% natural method that benefits winegrowers, animals and vines. Sheep, for example, can help!

- Raking: part of mechanical weeding, is a surface plowing technique to remove weeds, aerate the soil and bury nutrients.

Grassing : we sow or allow a plant cover to grow between the rows of vines.

The assembly: infinite nuances

Once the land is ready, attention should be paid to the vine.

Disbudding : The buds reveal very young leaves that are covered with down (or "fur"), this is what is called "budding". It is then necessary to remove the "suckers", the young shoots that do not produce fruit and can harm the development of the fruiting branches and the bunches. Beware of late frosts like the Ice Saints in May! This is "the last burst of winter", after which frost would no longer be feared.

Trellising (tying, tying and lifting) : the branches are raised by fixing them to the wires and stakes that guide the rows of vines. It is important to do this in time, before the stems become too rigid!

Trimming : the excess ends of the branches are cut off so that the nutrients are concentrated on the bunches for good ripening of the grapes.

Leaf stripping : this involves removing the leaves close to the bunches to allow sufficient sunlight, quality ventilation and easier picking!

The time of flowering arrives, taking place during training and before pruning. The flowers lose their first floral hoods and turn into fruits, this is the fruit set .

Taking care of the limestone and chalk rich soil as well as the vines themselves is the key to healthy plantations!

Protecting, nourishing and supporting the vine are pillars in the life of a Champagne House to create excellent vintages .

To learn more about working in the vineyards in the green setting of our century-old park, you can book a tour of our cellars combined with a discovery tasting!

For more information, we invite you to contact the House!